Remember, you can move the code by navigating to “Selection > Move Line Up or Down” menus. The best option is to use option key with up or down arrow keys and move the selected code to the required position up or down. It will be a tedious and error prone task to cut the code, scroll to the required place and then paste it. For example, you may need to move a line or code block to different section in your document. When using code editors like VSC, you may need to carry out certain activities frequently. Keyboard Shortcuts for Visual Studio Code Editor in Mac Here is a complete list of keyboard shortcuts for Visual Studio Code editor in Mac to get things done quickly. Visual Studio Code (VSC) is the most popular code editor from Microsoft that you can use in Mac. You need the syntax to be highlighted in different colors and show the opening / closing tags properly. However, editing source code like HTML, CSS, JavaScript or PHP needs much more features than plain or rich text processing.

For example, you can bold the text in TextEdit app while you can’t do that with Notepad in Windows. Unlike Notepad app in Windows, you can use TextEdit app to process both plain as well as rich text content. Apple supplies TextEdit app as a default text editor in MacBook.